Bish Creek Wildfire Update #3
Posted on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 05:00 PM
May 13, 2020 – The wildfire currently burning in two cut blocks off of the Bish Creek Forest Service Road remains classified as Being Held, and remains approximately 40 hectares in size with no recent growth.
The BC Wildfire Service has requested an additional crew of 10 firefighters assist in suppression efforts. It is anticipated these extra personnel will assist with transitioning the fire’s status from Being Held to Under Control.
At this point there is no threat to the community and with the increase...
KUTE Cardboard Recycling Full For Today
Posted on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 04:30 PM
May 13, 2020- Due to the high volume of content received, Kitimat Understanding the Environment (KUTE} is not able to take additional cardboard recycling for the remainder of the day. Please refrain from dumping cardboard at the KUTE facility.
Cardboard recycling services are expected to resume as scheduled. Thank you for your patience.
AttachmentsHaisla Boulevard/Lahakas Lane Closure
Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 06:15 PM
May 12, 2020 – Due to unforeseen repairs, one lane on Haisla Blvd will be closed until further notice. The lane closure will affect the merging lane, turning right off Lahakas Blvd towards Service Centre. Repairs are anticipated to be completed prior to the weekend, at which time traffic patterns will return to normal.
Thank you for your patience.
AttachmentsBish Creek Wildfire Update #2
Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 05:00 PM
May 12, 2020 – The wildfire currently burning in two cut blocks off of the Bish Creek Forest Service Road is being held at 40 hectares with no growth overnight and today.
Sufficient suppression action has been taken and the fire is not likely to spread beyond existing boundaries under the prevailing and forecasted conditions.
There are two units (approximately 40 firefighters) on the ground fighting the fire which are being supported by two helicopters bucketing water. It is anticipated that...
Bish Creek Wildfire Update
Posted on Monday, May 11, 2020 03:15 PM
May 11, 2020 – The wildfire is currently burning in two cut blocks off of the Bish Creek Forest Service Road covering approximately 15 hectares. Crews are on site battling the fire with additional resources on their way to assist.
At this time the fire is believed to be human caused (pending an investigation).
Updates will be provided when available. Please refrain from traveling to the Bish Creek area at this time.
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