District of Kitimat Property Access Agreement - portions of Sumgas Creek, Kitimat, BC |
In accordance with Sections 26(1) and 26(3) of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Kitimat (the “District”) gives notice that it intends to enter into an agreement entitled Habitat Offsetting & Access Agreement (the “Access Agreement”) with LNG Canada Development Inc., Inc. No. A0085409 (“LNGC”). The Access Agreement will provide LNGC with a non-exclusive right and license to enter onto and to use the following lands along and including portions of Sumgas Creek in Kitimat, B.C.: (i) PID: 011-607-327; BLOCK 253 DISTRICT LOTS 6033 AND 6036 RANGE 5 COAST DISTRICT PLAN 4232; and (ii) PID: 011-607-343; BLOCK 254 DISTRICT LOTS 6024 AND 6033 RANGE 5 COAST DISTRICT PLAN 4234 (collectively, the “Lands”).
The Access Agreement will give LNGC the right to use certain areas of the Lands to implement habitat offsetting measures, and subsequently monitor their effectiveness, in accordance with the Fisheries Act, to counterbalance potential adverse impacts on fish habitat of construction related to LNGC’s liquefied natural gas facility activities (the “Offsetting Measures”). Consideration for this Access Agreement includes the District receiving a non- refundable license fee of $15,000, reimbursement for up to $25,000 of legal and environmental expenses related to the District’s due diligence and administrative costs, and LNGC will carry out improvement activities on the Lands to the benefit of the District including (re)construction of concrete walkways and access ramps, installation of lighting, signage and benches, and rehabilitation of natural areas (the “Improvement Activities”). LNGC will bear all costs for the Offsetting Measures and Improvement Activities, including restoration, insurance, and indemnification costs, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to complete them by December 1, 2024.
The Access Agreement will terminate on the earlier of: Federal issuance of a habitat effectiveness discharge letter confirming fulfillment by LNGC of the Offsetting Measures under LNGC’s Fisheries Act Authorization; or, twelve (12) years from the date of completion of construction of the Offsetting Measures and the Improvement Activities, with an option for LNGC to renew the term. If LNGC does not receive Federal and Provincial approvals to undertake the Offsetting Measures by March 31, 2023, the Access Agreement may be terminated with the District keeping the $15,000 and up to $25,000 consideration noted above.
Kiona Enders Director of Corporate Administration, District of Kitimat (250) 632-8900 administration@kitimat.ca |
Temporary Use Permit - 497 Quatsino Boulevard |
Update: Approved 5 December 2022 J. Oviatt Contracting Ltd. (the applicant) has applied for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to allow (1) stockpiling logs, and firewood acquired from the clearing of lots from Strawberry Meadows; (2) processing topsoil acquired from the construction of the road to Minette Bay West Park; (3) storing raw topsoil, masonry sand and silt; (4) storing hog fuel, rig mats, a portable bridge and a portable sawmill; (5) utilizing Forced Air Log/Wood Burning Pit on site; and (6) storage area for drying wood. The subject site has had a previous TUP for similar uses. The applicant provided mitigation measures to control dust, pollution, noise, and traffic which include using water for dust control, restricting operation hours from 7am-5pm to minimize noise and traffic, and stockpiling green wood for drying on the subject site to minimize smoke. |
Notice of Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw |
DECISION: District of Kitimat Commercial Centre Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 2018, 2022 was adopted on October 24, 2022.
TAKE NOTICE THAT the District of Kitimat (the “District”) intends to adopt the ‘District of Kitimat Commercial Centre Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 2018, 2022’ (the “Bylaw”). This bylaw offers municipal property tax exemptions for eligible Projects located in the Downtown Commercial Revitalization Sector, Nechako Centre Commercial Revitalization Sector, Service Centre Commercial Revitalization Sector, and Mountainview Square Commercial Revitalization Sector (“Revitalization Sectors”).
The revitalization bylaw is intended to encourage:
The tax exemption is equal to a 50% reduction reduction in municipal property taxes for a maximum period of ten (10) years for a Project that has a minimum Construction Value of at least $50,000 with a minimum of $25,000 of the Project’s Construction Value for alterations to the exterior of the structure. To qualify for the maximum period, a Project must have any combination of the following:
The amount of municipal property tax exemption for an eligible project is equal to the difference in taxable value of land and improvements, assessed by the British Columbia Assessment Authority, on a Parcel between the calendar year prior to the start of construction and the year in which the Tax Exemption Certificate is issued. |
Development Permit - 1211, 1231, 1251 and 1271 Haisla Blvd |
Update: Approved 24 October 2022 A Development Permit is required for new buildings and for projects that will change the outside appearance of existing multi-family properties in Kitimat, including landscaping, screening and siding. This notice has been issued to describe a pending application. The applicant, Technicon Industries, has applied on behalf of Rio Tinto for the Intensive and Multi-Family Residential Development Permit area to upgrade the siding on a total of four buildings at addresses 1211,1231, 1251 and 1271 Haisla Blvd. The applicant has already upgraded on 1231 and 1251 Haisla and will be applying retroactively for the development permit. The siding on 1211 and 1271 Haisla has not yet been completed. |
Temporary Use Permit - 1000 Eurocan Way |
Update: Approved 14 October 2022 KM LNG (Kitimat LNG) has applied to renew a temporary use permit for temporary offices at 1000 Eurocan Way. Offices are not a permitted use in the M1 Zone. A Temporary Use Permit is a means of accommodating construction of temporary office buildings during construction of the project. KM LNG has held a temporary use permit for offices since 2013 and the last TUP was issued in 2019. The District of Kitimat is considering renewing the Permit for a 3 year duration. |
Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit Area - Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 2013, 2022 |
Update: Approved 6 October 2022 A second Public Hearing was held on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 7:00pm to consider an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment. The Mayor and Council made amendments to Appendix-A of the Bylaw No. 2013, 2022 on September 6, 2022 based on the comments received from the external referrals. The Council is holding an additional public hearing on October 3, 2022 to consider this OCP amendment pursuant to the recent amendments. This OCP amendment proposes to replace the existing guidelines used for the Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit Area with new Downtown Design Guidelines. The new Downtown Design Guidelines were approved by the Council in June 2021, and now these need to be added to the OCP through Bylaw No. 2013, 2022. The properties as shown in the attached map will be affected by this amendment.
Notice of Disposition Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter 1810 Kitamaat Village Road |
In accordance with Sections 26(1), 26(3), and 94 of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Kitimat (the “District”) gives notice that it intends to enter into a License to Use (the “License”) with Bell Media Inc. (“Bell”) that, for $2,362 annually and adjusted annually with CPI, paid by Bell to the District, will provide Bell with the use of a portion of 1810 Kitamaat Village Road, which has a legal description of: Block 75, District Lot 6040, Range 5, Coast District Plan 3530 (the “Property”) for a period of five years with the option to renew. The License to Use is for the continued use of the portion of the land for the purpose of installing and maintaining a radio communication and broadcast antenna in partnership with, and under license to, the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine; and installing and maintaining an ancillary equipment building. The District of Kitimat utilizes a portion of the antennas for its communication equipment. A copy of the proposed License to Use is available for viewing at the District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays). To comment on this application, or to request more information: please email; call the Corporate Officer at 250-632-8900; or visit or mail the District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat BC V8C 2H7. Comment will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on July 28, 2022. |
Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit Area Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 2013, 2022 |
Development Permit - BMO |
Update: Approved, 11 July 2022 A development permit is required for new buildings and for projects that will change the outside appearance of existing properties in Downtown Kitimat, including landscaping, fences, and screening. This notice has been issued to describe a pending application. The Bank of Montreal (BMO) has applied for a Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit (DRA-DP) to replace a total of two signs, with one at each entrance |
Development Permit - ESSO |
Update: Approved, 11 July 2022 A development permit is required for new buildings and for projects that will change the outside appearance of existing properties in Downtown Kitimat, including landscaping, fences, and screening. This notice has been issued to describe a pending application. ESSO gas station has applied for a Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit (DRA-DP) to add some new features underneath the existing awning/canopy. |
Development Variance Permit - 56 Meldrum Street |
Update: Approved 18 July 2022 The owner of 56 Meldrum Street has submitted a development variance permit application to increase maximum accessory structure/building height from 4.9m to 6.1m (from 16 feet to proposed 20 feet). The property is zoned R1-A One Family Residential. Kitimat Municipal Code (KMC) requires accessory structures with a gable, hip, gambrel, or mansard roof which are within 1.2m or more of side or rear yard to not exceed 4.9m in height. The proposed accessory structure for a boat storage would be in the northeast corner of the property, to be accessed through the existing driveway and backs onto other residential properties backyards. |
Development Permit - Wakita Ave & Nalabila Blvd |
IAG Enterprises submitted a development permit (DP) application for a proposed multi-family residential development that consists of 34 residential dwelling units in seven building blocks, along with a community amenity area and the required 7 off-street visitors parking spaces at the lot abutting Nalabila Blvd and Wakita Ave (Parcel Description: Lot C District Lot 6042 Range 5 Coast District Plan EPP32835). The property is zoned R3-A – Multi Family (Apartment or Terrace) Residential Zone and the future land use designation is Neighborhood. The proposed development aligns with the permitted uses in the Kitimat Municipal Code and the future land use designation from the 2008 Kitimat OCP. A location map, coloured renderings, site plan, and preliminary landscape plan of the proposed multi-family residential development. Additional information at the District of Kitimat reception desk, 270 City Centre, 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
Provide comment by end of day June 3, 2022 by: Fax: Planning Department at 250-632-4995 Mail: Mayor & Council c/o 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC V8C 2H7 * Submissions provided in response to the application, including names and addresses, will become part of the public record, and made available for public inspection at the District office. Virtually Attend or Watch Council Meeting: Contact Staff at 250-632-8900 or Email before noon 15 July 2022 if you would like to be notified for when this application will be going to Council for their decision. If you have any questions about this application, please contact Community Planning and Development at 250-632-8900 or Email
Thank you for your ongoing interest in your community. |
Temporary Use Permit - 2150 Forest Ave |
Update: Approved, 9 May 2022 Hirsch Creek Concrete (the applicant) has applied for a temporary use permit (TUP) to allow set up and operation of a portable concrete production plant on 2150 Forest Avenue in the M3- Maintenance Dept Zone. The applicant has identified a demand in the community for commercial, industrial, and private sector’s interest in a secondary local concrete source and is intending to operate the concrete plant for three years if the TUP is issued. The proposed site is owned by J. Oviatt Contracting (landowner) and is currently used as a construction material storage yard. It is 350 meters from the nearest residential properties. |
Development Variance Permit - 35 Dunn Street |
Update: Approved, 9 May 2022 Owner of 35 Dunn Street has submitted a development variance permit application to increase maximum accessory building height from 4.9m to 6.1m (from 16 feet to proposed 20 feet). The property is zoned R2-A Two Family Residential Zone. Kitimat Municipal Code (KMC) requires accessory structures with a gable, hip, gambrel, or mansard roof that are within 1.2m or more of side or rear yard to not exceed 4.9m in height. The proposed accessory structure for RV storage would be in the northeast corner of the property, to be accessed through the existing driveway and backs onto District greenspace. |
Proposed Bike Park |
Update: Public comment session now closed, 25 April 2022 Update 2: The report titled “Strawberry Meadows Bike Park- Public Consultation Input” was received for information by the council in the committee of the whole meeting held on February 14, 2022. Update 1: Comment session now closed, 26 January 2022 The residents of the District of Kitimat are hereby notified that a ‘Bike Park’ is being proposed at a lot adjacent to the Blackberry Street, which, as per the Kitimat Municipal Code, is currently zoned as Local Park. |
Development Permit and Development Variance Permit - 36 Highway 37 |
Update: Approved, 7 March 2022 Abugov Kaspar Architecture Engineering Interior Design submitted a development permit (DP) application for a proposed commercial development that consists of three separate buildings, a gas bar, a drive thru, and two pylon signs at 36 Highway 37. The property is zoned C11 – Highway Commercial Zone and the Future Land Use Designation is Commercial. The proposed development aligns with the permitted uses and the future land use designation but does require several variances to reduce the minimum required parking stall size and number, increase the maximum access width, and increase the maximum sign height, area, and number for the C11 zone. The applicant has applied for a development variance permit (DVP) application, which is intended to run concurrently with the DP application. |
Notice of Public Hearing - Modification of Rezoning Covenant |
Update: Approved, 7 March 2022 To consider a modification (the “Modification”) to rezoning Covenant CA3688685 (the “Rezoning Covenant”) which is registered against the following four strata lots and common property located along Highway 37 between Forest Avenue and Kitamaat Village Road:
The Rezoning Covenant was registered as a condition of Bylaw 1836, 2014 which rezoned the parent parcel, establishing the C11 and C12 Zones in the Kitimat Municipal Code (KMC). The Rezoning Covenant included amenities and further restrictions and requirements, including making the “Residential Dormitory” use (now known as Crossroads Lodge) conditional on development of a “Hotel” use. Construction on the hotel building commenced but ceased. As a result of the effects of COVID-19 on the hotel business, and other considerations, the Owner has requested amendments to the Covenant. The zoning of the property is not being changed by the Modification. The purpose of the Modification is to de-link the Residential Dormitory use from the Hotel use; if accepted the Modification would instead make the Residential Dormitory use conditional on development of a Commercial Building exceeding 8,000sq.ft. The Owner has offered to financially contribute to sidewalk improvements and the future re-design of the intersection of Highway 37 /Haisla Boulevard and Kitamaat Village Road. |
Development Permit - 291 City Centre, CIBC |
Update: Approved through Delegate, 8 February 2022 A development permit is required for new buildings and for projects that will change the outside appearance of existing properties in Downtown Kitimat, including landscaping, fences, and screening. This notice has been issued to describe a pending application. CIBC, through a consultant, has applied for a Downtown Revitalization Area Development Permit (DRA-DP), to replace their three current sign boards with new ones of exact same dimensions and at the exact same spots. Proposed upgrade is to add new font on the sign boards |
Notice of Disposition - Property Lease, 461 Quatsino Blvd. |
Update: Public comment session now closed, 8 February 2022 Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter
The Leased Premises consists of an approximately 0.332 hectare portion of the Property generally as outlined and labelled “LEASE” on Explanatory Plan EPP117840, prepared by McELHANNEY ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING LTD, and dated January 7, 2022, a reduced copy of which is copied to this Notice. The Property is presently zoned Mixed Use Social Housing (R3-C), and is currently
Notice of Disposition - Property Lease, 461 Quatsino Blvd. |
Update: Public comment session now closed, 8 February 2022
Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter In accordance with Sections 26(1), 26(3) and 94 of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Kitimat (the “District”) gives notice that it intends to enter into a lease of two years and eleven months (the “ShortTermLease”) with the Tamitik Status of Women Association (“Tamitik”) to lease to Tamitik a portion of the District-owned land located at 461 Quatsino Boulevard, in Kitimat, BC, (the “Leased Premises”) which has a legal description of:
Proposed Bike Park |
Update: comment session now closed, 26 January 2022 The residents of the District of Kitimat are hereby notified that a ‘Bike Park’ is being proposed at a lot adjacent to the Blackberry Street, which, as per the Kitimat Municipal Code, is currently zoned as Local Park. The notice for the proposed bike park can be accessed here. |
Notice of Public Hearing - Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures Bylaw No. 2006, 2021 |
Update: Approved, 17 January 2022 A zoning amendment that would amend Section and of the Kitimat Municipal Code to increase maximum accessory building height to 4.9 m with a sloped roof or 4.3 m with a flat roof and increase minimum side and rear yard setback to 1.2 metres, providing that the accessory building height does not exceed the primary building. Bylaw No. 2006 would also prevent accessory buildings built within the permissible building area to be built higher than the principal building. Bylaw No. 2006 would impact all residentially zoned properties within the District of Kitimat, as shown on the map. |