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District of Kitimat Council Strategic Plan |
The Strategic Plan was approved by Mayor and Council on July 4, 2023. The Strategic Plan represents the key priorities that will assist Council in guiding decision making and allocating financial resources and staff time. You can find a link to the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 below: |
District of Kitimat and Haisla Nation Council Friendship Agreement - gi guáƛap̓ ni (Working together / Helping each other) |
Since incorporation in 1953, the District of Kitimat has always sat within the traditional territory of the Haisla Nation. The District's place within Haisla Territory has not always been well acknowledged, in fact the establishment of Kitimat as a community with strong industrial development took place largely without any effective, or meaningful inclusion.
Haisla Nation also was not immune to the hardships faced by Nations across Canada through settlement and policies of assimilation, from community displacement, to the residential schools legacy, and to devastating sickness.
Reconciliation, partly, is facing a tough past in a new era of understanding. The District of Kitimat recognizes the importance of creating a new, stronger relationship with Haisla. We are proud of recent efforts to work closely with the Haisla Nation in developing a unified vision for the direction of our communities.
On Sunday, June 2, 2024, the District of Kitimat and Haisla Nation Council signed a friendship agreement, called gi guáƛap̓ ni. This document sets the foundation of the work that will continue for years to come between the municipality and the Nation.
Annual Reports |
The annual report contains financial statements for the year and includes goals and performance by the departments within the District of Kitimat. |
Accessibility and Inclusion Plan | ||||||||||
The Accessibility Plan was created with the participation and input of the District of Kitimat’s Accessibility and Inclusion Committee which is comprised of 11 community members with diverse abilities, backgrounds and experiences. The District’s senior leaders also reviewed and provided input on the Plan, which was approved by Mayor and Council on February 20, 2024.
BC Transit Future Service Plan | ||||||||||
In 2022, BC Transit began the process to develop the BC Transit Future Service Plan (TFSP) for the District of Kitimat's transit service. The TFSP sets out local service priorities and infrastructure priorities for 2023-2028 and beyond. The TFSP was presented and approved in principle by Council at its May 15, 2023 Regular Meeting. |
Business Walk Report | ||||||||||
Climate Action | ||||||||||
Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction PlanThe District of Kitimat with consultants from Community Energy Association (CEA), approved the development of a Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan. It is important to note that large industry is not included in this planning, as it is dealt with at a provincial level. You can read more about the Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) here. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to send them via email or call us at 250-632-8900 ext 2239.
Climate Action Revenue Incentive ProgramIn 2012, Kitimat signed the BC Climate Action Charter, committing to "making progress" towards becoming carbon neutral. Kitimat tracks carbon consumption for municipal operations and, in return, receives a grant from the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). To date, CARIP funds have been used to support pedestrian improvements, including walkways and downtown wayfinding. |
Communications Survey | ||||||||||
Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan | ||||||||||
On June 19, 2023, Council received a presentation on the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan. Council has directed that the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan be back for further consideration at a future Committee of the Whole. |
Downtown Design Guidelines | ||||||||||
Downtown Design Guidelines | ||||||||||
Downtown Master Plan | ||||||||||
Update: 5 February 2021 Thank you to everyone who has participated to date with the draft Downtown Plan and Design Guidelines. Results of the public engagement events from September 2020 have been summarized and presented to Council in the following documents. Staff continue to update the Downtown Plan and the Design Guidelines following Council's discussion and direction coming from the 4 January 2021 Regular Council Meeting. This page will be updated as the documents evolve and as some items come forward for implementation. Many of the items to watch for are highlighted and discussed in the Council Report linked above as Next Steps. Future planning activities, bylaws, and policy updates may allow for public comments as each topic is brought forward. Notices will be posted in the usual places as they become available. More Information All comments and questions are welcome . Specific opportunities for comment and input will be available during public engagement events. For general questions and inquiries please contact Community Planning and Development at the District office, 270 City Centre, call us at 250-632-8900 or planning@kitimat.ca.
Economic Development Strategic Plan (2023-2029) | ||||||||||
In January 2023 Council directed that a five year economic development strategic plan be developed through funding from the Northern Development Initiative Trust Capacity Building Program. In March of 2023, the District engaged with a consultant to undertake developing the plan. Between April and June several engagement exercises took place including in person and virtual workshops and an online survey. (View Survey Results here). The Economic Development Strategic Plan (2023-2029) was approved by Council on October 30, 2023 and updated by Council July 15, 2024. |
Finance Department Reports | ||||||||||
Household Survey | ||||||||||
Kitimat residents have recently expressed concerns about seemingly rapid population growth, increased difficulty finding affordable housing, and widening income disparities between permanent residents and newcomers. There is a sense in the community that these trends are at least partially due to the construction and operations of several major projects in the surrounding region, including the LNG Canada project. Major projects have historically been accompanied by an influx of temporary or “shadow residents” seeking to live and work in nearby communities for some time. The economic and social impacts of an influx of shadow residents have been documented in natural resource-dependent regions in Canada, such as in Northern Alberta (Aylward, 2006). The District of Kitimat wishes to better understand the impacts of these major projects on Kitimat residents.
Housing Action Plan and Needs Assessment | ||||||||||
Kitimat Age-Friendly Assessment Report and Action Plan | ||||||||||
Kitimat Cycle Network Plan | ||||||||||
Kitimat Healthcare Professionals Attraction and Retention Strategy Final Report | ||||||||||
After a meeting held July 13, 2023, of agencies and organizations with an involvement in healthcare, and with rising community concerns about the state of healthcare locally, Council resolved on July 17, 2023:
“THAT the District of Kitimat work with the Haisla Nation, the Kitimat Health Advocacy Group, Northern Health Authority and local industry and agencies to develop options and a budget for attraction and retention of healthcare professionals.” (R23-148)
A consultant was engaged to lead actioning this resolution. It was determined early in the process that a working group would be necessary to inform the strategy development. From August 2023 to December 2023, the consultant worked with Staff and the Working Group to research and interview key stakeholders in the healthcare sector within Kitimat and the region. The attached final report provides an overview of the process taken to develop this strategy, a look at what other communities have done to address similar challenges and recommendations the District of Kitimat can consider.
Kitimat Townsite Report | ||||||||||
The 1952 Kitimat Townsite Report is a nine-book set of plans and policies that describes how to build and operate a “civically independent new town”. Clarence S. Stein and his co-authors cover everything from administration to zoning. Detailed plans for future development of Kitimat's townsite and industrial area make this report an invaluable document for Kitimat's past, present and future. The report's Executive Summary is a must read for anyone interested in local history. A full set of the 1952 Master Plan is available for viewing at Kitimat Museum and Archives. The report includes maps of the recommended townsite design. Most of the neighbourhoods, greenbelt areas, commercial and industrial centres we know in Kitimat today were laid out in the original plan. The Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) honours one community plan each year that has made a significant contribution to national planning heritage. In 2013, the enduring quality of Kitimat's original master plan was recognized with CIP's Vision in Planning Award. |
Leisure Services Master Plan | ||||||||||
Minette Bay West Concept Plan | ||||||||||
Work at Minette Bay West Park is ongoing. The Minette Bay West Concept Plan was a planning and design exercise adopted by Council in September 2017 for 191 hectares of municipal land on the west side of Minette Bay. This site presents a significant opportunity to provide public access to the ocean, which is a key priority for Kitimat Council. |
Neighbourhood Development Options Study | ||||||||||
Neighbourhood Development Options Study: Comparative Review, Urban Systems, May 1995 | ||||||||||
Official Community Plan (OCP) | ||||||||||
An OCP is a broad statement of community objectives, goals, and policies with a special emphasis on land use and development. The OCP is also one of the three key documents (budget, five year capital plan and OCP) which guide all Council decisions. Each Council may aslo prepare a strategic plan with a time horizon of one to four years. Kitimat's 2008 OCP was developed through a collaborative process that included stakeholders, local businesses, community groups, and over 200 residents. For zoning information, please see Part 9 of the Kitimat Municipal Code.
Poverty Reduction Strategy |
On August 22, 2022, the Kitimat Poverty Reduction Strategy was received for information by the District Council.
Water Conservation Plan |
At the February 22, 2022 Council Meeting, Council adopted the District of Kitimat Water Conservation Plan. |
Water Report |
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