Call for Submissions – Haisla Bridge Art

The District of Kitimat, in collaboration with the Haisla Nation, is welcoming artists from the Haisla Nation to submit their design(s) for a series of eight (8) lit line art panels for the new Haisla Bridge. The eight (8) selected designs are to be the eight (8) existing and historic Haisla Clans (Eagle, Beaver, Crow, Killer Whale, Wolf, Frog, Raven, Salmon). The art will be permanently installed on fabricated aluminum back-lit panels. Note the existing clans are Beaver, Raven, Eagle, Killer Whale/Salmon and the memorial clans are Crow, Frog and Wolf.


Submission Process:
A short bio must be submitted with artist’s name, email, phone number, mailing address, social media information (if applicable), title of art, any additional information on art, any additional information on artist.

Art and bio must be submitted by November 15, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., via email to or in person to Holly Thomopoulos at 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7.

For more information visit our Bid Opportunities page.


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