July 2, 2021 - The District of Kitimat is expanding the 2020 Cycle Network Plan to now include all active transportation modes.

The Active Transportation Plan will look at:

1. Pedestrian facilities - Including sidewalks, walkways, and crosswalks

2. Recreational trails - Including the rough and groomed trails through the rural and forested areas within Kitimat

3. Local transit service - Including the bus system and handyDART service


As with last year’s Cycle Network Plan, the District is inviting input from the community in two ways:

1. A brief (10 question) online public survey

2. An interactive online mapping application to allow residents to plot their ideas and concerns on a map of Kitimat


The survey and the online map may be accessed by computer or smartphone.

Residents without internet access may contact us to provide comments by phone at 250‑632-8900.

The survey deadline is Friday, July 9th, 2021. 

We look forward to your input!


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