
 Looking for information about curbside waste collection? Click here!


The Landfill is located 6.5 km from Kitimat, on the west side of Highway 37.

Sort your waste. For the safety of our landfill operators and to save landfill airspace, the following items should separated and placed in their designated areas, outside of the landfill’s active face:

  • Residential vehicle tires (rimless)
  • Scrap metal and large household appliances, place in “scrap metal pile”
  • Clean wood waste, place in “burn pile”
  • Yard waste and clean chipped wood, place in “compost windrow”
  • Empty compressed gas cylinders, place in designated area
  • Lead-Acid batteries, place in designated area
  • Corrugated cardboard is prohibited from the Landfill Site (bylaw Please take all corrugated cardboard to KUTE recycling depot or place it at the curb on your next curbside collection day.

All loads are weighed at the Landfill.

Thank you for your patience as we continually make changes at the Kitimat Landfill, and for your effort in reducing your waste and helping the Landfill last longer.

The Kitimat Municipal Landfill is only accessible to residents of the District of Kitimat and Kitamaat Village.

The Landfill hours change seasonally.


 Summer (April 1 to September 30)

OPEN Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

(closed Mondays)


Winter hours are October 1 to March 31
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., closed Mondays


 Statutory Holidays

OPEN during regular hours. (see seasonal hours above)

Except will be closed on the following days:

  • New Years
  • Easter Sunday
  • July 1
  • Christmas Day

Tipping Fees

Active tipping fees

 These fees were implemented on November 1, 2023:




Tipping fees
YearResidential garbage (up to 100kg)Residential garbage (more than 100kg)
2024  $5 / trip  $75 / tonne*, plus minimum charge at left
2025  $10 / trip  $100 / tonne, plus minimum charge at left

* Our scale house weighs in increments of 10 kg. The per tonne cost of $75 equals 75 cents for each 10 kg over the initial 100 kg of your load. e.g. If your load is 110 kg, your landfill visit will cost $5.75.

Starting 2024 each homeowner will be provided four free trips to the Kitimat Landfill each calendar year. These passes waive the flat-fee to self-haul waste to the Kitimat Landfill. Weight charges for loads more than 100kg will still apply.

Specific disposal rates, including the rates for commercial users, are below. Note certain special conditions below this chart.

Solid waste categories
Waste Category20242025
Garbage $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Construction and Demolition Waste $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Land Clearing Waste $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Mixed Load $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Controlled Waste    
Asbestos $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Asphalt $37.50 / tonne $50 / tonne
Concrete - no rebar $37.50 / tonne $50 / tonne
Concrete - with rebar $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Dead Animals and Parts $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Septic Sludge $30 / tonne $40 / tonne
Soil Suitable for Onsite Use $37.50 / tonne $50 / tonne
Soil Not Suitable for Onsite Use $75 / tonne $100 / tonne
Restricted Waste    
Appliances (Ozone depleting substances (ODS) Containing Product)    
Automotive Batteries    
Clean Wood    
Propane Tank and Compressed Gas Cylinder    
Scrap Metal    
Tires on Rims (light truck and cars)  $20 / tire  $20 / tire
Tires (rimless) (light truck and cars)    
Yard Waste $20 / tonne $20 / tonne

a. the minimum charge for depositing Dead Animals and Parts is $110.00.

b. the minimum charge for depositing Asbestos is $165.00.

c. a surcharge of fifty (50) percent will be applied to Mixed Loads.

d. a handling fee of $75 will apply to dispose of Auto Hulks.

e. a handling fee of $10 will apply per Mattress (any size).

f. *Septic Sludge will be accepted free of charge from residential premises in the Cable Car Neighbourhood, Strawberry Meadows, and from 1846 to 2727 on Kitamaat Village Road.

Landfill FAQ - Understanding proposed changes for the Kitimat Landfill
What is happening with the Kitimat Landfill?

Council is considering adoption of a new solid waste management bylaw which will implement a cost-recovery policy that involves new and revised charges for waste.

For residential users, this means, effective November 2023, a per tonne rate for self-hauled waste to the Kitimat Landfill if they are bringing in more than 100 kg of waste (otherwise don’t worry about it). In 2024, the District would implement a minimum charge (a “tipping fee”) of $5 which will cover up to 100 kg of solid waste, after which the user will also pay a per tonne rate. (We would, however, provide each Kitimat household with four no-cost visits, up to 100kg, each calendar year.)

Commercial users of the landfill will also see changes. Under the new bylaw, commercial waste will be weighed and charged by weight, rather than by volume.

The proposed schedule of fees is on our Kitimat Landfill page,

Why is the District of Kitimat doing this?

Kitimat has a Solid Waste Action Plan (the “SWAP”) which has set guidance for how we manage solid waste. This was prepared in 2020.

Among the things identified is that our Landfill is not in compliance with current provincial landfill criteria, as criteria have changed over time.

Our landfill is currently in Phase 2, its final phase. It is a substantial investment to bring our landfill into compliance.

To prolong the life of the landfill, we are asking that residents sort their waste, by correctly using the expanded curbside collection program. In basic terms, use the landfill less, by diverting food waste and recyclables. Less waste means we can use the landfill longer.

How does our curbside program mean using our landfill less?

Under our previous curbside collection program, we picked up general garbage waste each week and brought it to the Kitimat Landfill.

Today, we have four total streams of curbside collection and not all of it is bound for the landfill.

                Garbage – The general catch-all of things that don’t quite fit into your other bins. This is deposited at the Kitimat Landfill

                Recycling – Products accepted under the RecycleBC program go into your blue bin and yellow bag. These items are collected in a separate compartment in our collection trucks, and are bundled and shipped away to RecycleBC facilities in southern B.C.

                Food Waste – The smelly and tasty things that birds and bears love that used to just be a part of your regular garbage are now part of your food waste. And like garbage under our old system, we collect this each and every week. Food waste picked up at curbside is ultimately taken to the Forceman Ridge Waste Management Facility, located between Kitimat and Terrace.

                Yard Waste – Seasonally, May to November, we also collect your yard waste. These items are taken and placed in Kitimat Landfill’s onsite compost pile.

Still unsure of what goes where? Do you find the curbside collection program difficult to keep track of? Download the Recycle Coach app for free! It keeps a schedule and sends you reminders of your weekly curbside collection. You can search “what materials’ go where” in Kitimat.  Visit: Recycling - District of Kitimat

How do tipping fees extend the life of the landfill?

There are a few factors to this question.

First, it discourages additional use of the Kitimat Landfill. After a lifetime of not having residential tipping fees, we understand it is a hard transition to having fees, but we’ll be frank; the less you need to bring your waste to the landfill the better.

Waste does have to go somewhere, and that’s where we are looking to Kitimat residents to take full advantage of their curbside program. As you saw in the last question, not everything goes to the Kitimat Landfill.

So, fees might make people think twice about using the landfill, and by extension we will see a higher use of all our curbside collections. And of course, the addition of new minimum charges will also support the recovery of the costs of operating the landfill.

What kind of items would I still need to take to the landfill rather than using the curbside program?

The list below is to provide ideas. It is in no way a comprehensive list of items that go into the landfill.

  • Large bulky items, that do not fit into your garbage bins (i.e. sofas, mattresses, large carpets)

  • Large quantities or commercial quantities of waste, such as materials that would come from a construction project

  • Bulky and broken furniture

  • Broken or expired household items (i.e. broken large toys, expired carseats and expired safety harness etc.)

  • Garden and garage items (i.e. broken: hoses, tarpaulins, broken ceramic and terracotta flower pots, fountains, pond liners, snow blower, lawn mower, broom and handle etc.)

  • Household items and decorations (i.e. broken picture frames and vases, chipped dishes, large lampshades, curtains and curtain rods etc).

  • Sporting goods and recreational equipment

  • Renovation and construction materials

  • Large appliances for recycling (i.e. refrigerators, ovens, freezers, drained hot water tanks etc.)

How do I dispose of my pet waste?

As a responsible owner of household pets (i.e. dogs, cats, rodents, birds, reptiles etc.) you need to make sure that you regularly dispose of their fecal waste. Please place your fecal waste within an enclosed plastic garbage bag and dispose of this waste with your regular garbage pick-up. Small poop bags are acceptable.

Please do not dispose of this waste in your food waste container, as our compost systems cannot fully remove the biohazards from this type of waste.

What kind of items should never be disposed of at a landfill?

Hazardous waste of any kind can be dangerous to the natural environment and to landfill operators and visitors. Please do not dispose of the following items at the Landfill:

  • Automobile waste. The landfill site has designated areas for rimless tires and lead-acid batteries. Motor oil must be brough to drop off locations such as Kal Tire

  • Household hazardous waste - chemicals, paint and other

  • Lithium-ion batteries – please remember to remove batteries in children’s toys!

Don’t my property taxes cover management of our waste?

Our property tax notices include a flat fee that addresses waste collection, but the fee actually does not cover the full cost of managing waste in the community.

The rest of the cost is covered through general property taxation, and fees paid by commercial users of the landfill.

How do these fees change the funding of the landfill?

Adding minimum charges, and per tonne rates for larger loads, we’re working to shift the cost of the landfill from being from our collective property taxes to being a cost to the users of the landfill.

We provide waste management through our property taxes to collect your curbside waste and under this model we will continue to provide landfill access with the four free visits each year.

These fees additionally support the cost recovery from those who require additional use of the landfill.

What is the District going to do about the additional illegal dumping on back roads?

As noted above, we want people to take full advantage of their curbside collection services.

As it is now, our landfill has no fee associated with residential self-haul. Yet, illegal dumping has been an issue in the Kitimat Valley and throughout our beautiful region for decades. Unfortunately, illegal dumping happens in all parts of BC, disrupting and destroying the natural environment with harmful human waste.

If you witness or notice illegal dumping, we encourage you to report it.

Record the following information:

  • Location (look for landmarks to best describe the location, and note if it is on Crown or Private Land

  • Date and Time

  • Description of waste

  • Photo

  • Vehicle License plate number (if witnessing the violation)

If the illegal dumping has happened on Crown Land, report to RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters), BC’s Conservation Officer hotline 1-877-952-7277. You can report a non-emergency electronically via the RAPP form Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) – Environmental Protection & Sustainability Forms ( You can also report illegal dumping and other environmental related violations on your cell phone, through the BCWILDLIFE FEDERATION Conservation App

If illegal dumping has occurred within the District of Kitimat, report to the Bylaw Enforcement Department by submitting a bylaw complaint form.

We anticipate that the minimum charge to the landfill will not lead to any substantial increase as people’s decision to dump illegally is typically not based on price. That said, we know there is a possibility and that is why these bylaw changes include four no-cost visits to the landfill each calendar year.

Four visits are not enough!

We understand – and have heard a lot lately - that people use the landfill frequently and even with the four visits it wouldn’t cover their use.

We hope this is an opportunity for residents to think about how much waste they are generating, how much they are using our curbside program, and how they are sorting their waste.

For example, we’ve heard a reason for regular landfill trips is to prevent bear attractants, as we no longer have weekly garbage collection. Wildlife is generally attracted to food waste, and our green bins for food waste are collected weekly.

Thoroughly separating food waste and rinsing and removing food waste residue from regular garbage will mean less worry that your waste is attracting animals.

Why did you change the hours at the landfill?

Our cost-recovery memo ( provided guidance that changing the hours of the landfill would support a more cost-effective operation, which recognized many of the new service requirements that are in place for landfills today.

But the landfill closes too early.

We have heard the feedback the landfill closes too early for people who work later in the day.

While we understand it is an earlier closure than it has been, the landfill is open six days a week. We believe this is a fair compromise so people can still get to the landfill around their work schedule.

But please, let us pick up your waste for you at the curb as much as possible!

Does food waste just end up at the landfill anyway?

The food waste at the curb is collected separately and then placed in a large steel covered bin, within an electric fence at a transfer station at our landfill. This area is restricted to material collected at the curb, to reduce the risk of contamination.

Every 10 days, the food waste is sent to the Forceman Ridge Waste Management Facility to be composted. 

We ask eligible residents to dispose of their food waste at the curb, as there is no public access to the food waste disposal bin at our landfill site.      


Landfill FormsThe Controlled Waste Application

Are you considering bringing the following materials to the landfill? Soil/inert fill, demolishing a building, concrete, asphalt, asbestos, commercial septic waste (3 truckloads or more). Please complete a controlled waste application form, and submit to Engineering.

The Kitimat Landfill Credit Charge Account Application

Commercial businesses who would like to register for a District of Kitimat Credit Charge Account for the landfill can find applications here.

Application can be found here under the "Applications Licenses and Permits" page.


Still Have Landfill Questions?

Contact our Environmental Services Manager at 250-632-8900 or email 

Contact Us